Currently, Pandora 1 subscribers pay $3.99 a month or $36 per year to listen to Pandora without ads. According to Lifehacker, they've just decided to raise the monthly charge to $4.99 per month starting in May and to eliminate the yearly subscription option. For current Pandora 1 subscribers, your monthly charge will not change. Also, if you have a yearly subscription, when you are up for renewal, you will be charged the old rate of $3.99 per month. Basically, if you're interested in locking in at the $3.99 per month rate, you'll need to start subscribing before May.
Source: Go to sourceCategory: Miscellaneous
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For the past three years Alena has been a feature writer for the online magazine Matilda Ziegler. She has also been a contractor for the Oregon Commission for the Blind, helping blind adults learn to use adaptive technology. She is studying to be a teacher of the visually impaired at Portland State. You might also recognize her from the Serotalk podcast Triple Click Home.