Blind Bargains

Blind Bargains Qast 29: Stars, Moons And Legal Correspondants

The news might be slowing down, until Apple's big reveals next month, yet our interview segments just keep getting better. This week, our newly self-named "Outstanding Legal Correspondent"," Tim Elder discusses some of the finer points of topics we've covered on the show this year. Additionally, we have a tip and feedback along with more food items in the "Last Word".


We'd like to thank this week's sponsor, BlindAlive for providing us the motivation and support needed to create this episode. No matter your level of health or fitness, there is an exercise program out there for you. To learn more about these fitness products, and subscribe to BlindAlive's podcasts, visit their website.

[Learn more about the BackTPack](]
And here is a link to an audio description which answers some frequently asked questions.
And remember "Don't just live, be alive"!

We would also like to thank the gang at Mystic Access for sponsoring our show this week. Check out their new Victor Reader Stream tutorial. To learn more about Mystic Access, visit
and follow them on Twitter

In The News:

First Guide Dog Certified as a Runner Guide

Index Embossers Join the Windows 10 Party; Includes Legacy V3 Embosser Support

No Data Connection in Orlando? Smart City's Illegal Practices May have Been to Blame

New Dominos Games Available from Spoonbill Software

Google TalkBack joins the 1 billion installs club:

New Android devices will not come with Google+, Play Games, Play Books and Newsstand installed

After Sight, A vision aid for the blind and vision impaired based on The vOICe sensory substitution technology

Crowdsourcing our way to better eye care

These next four stories hopefully address some of the questions our listeners have been sending us in regards to visual perception and the importance of why people rely on these concepts for personal interaction.

More campuses are scanning students' eyeballs instead of IDs

Why you're seeing a face in this purse

Look into my pupils: Pupil mimicry may lead to increased trust

Seasons affect how human eyes process color

Discussion Topic: legal Access Considerations With Tim Elder

Tim Elder, Principal Attorney for TRE Legal, has been a fan of BBQ for some time, and he heard our cries for a person with a real understanding of the law to come around and speak about some of the topics we haven't been able to cover in a deeper fashion. Tim notes the how and the why to some of the legal considerations that he must review when providing research and council on these subjects. he also offered to come back and give us more background information on some other stories in the future. Therefore, Tim is also on Twitter at @TRELegal
we welcome our new legal Expert to the BBQ fold!

TIP: Back to Top in iOS

Joe explains a very simple way to get back to the top when you're in a long list in iOS.

Sound off:

Thanks again to our listeners who participated in our, now ended, jet promotion. here are a few more comments from that episode. first up, Ibrahim.

"Hey first of all I want to say that this is one of my favorite podcasts to catch up on new AT I also really loved your interview with Alex . I hope they can meet their funding goal . Finally Joe since you mentioned candy on this show . I suggest you check out peanut butter and M&Ms sandwiches Thanks and keep up the awesome work. Best Ibrahim"

One of the BBQ regulars, Lisa Salinger, provides this bold vision of the future.

"I'm thinking it is only a matter of time before you cover the iArm, the must have appendage for the blind person who must have every new watch to hit the market. Just remember where you heard the prediction first, and keep the great shows coming!"

mcikeyc sent in this comment...

"Hi. This is a good post. I enjoy them when I have the time to listen. I appreciate what you do for our community."

Look! A tip from Elizabeth !

"Hello My name is Elizabeth Bowden. I first want to say that your podcasts have allowed me to stay in touch with much of the ever changing world of assistive technology. I like the variety. I also have a tip. When completing entries in iOS such as contacts, I have heard many trainers provide instructions to enter information in to a field, then use swiping to locate the next field in the form. Alternatively, you can press return to get to the next field requiring text entry. This works until you encounter a button for adding something such as a phone #. Thanks, and have an excellent weekend! "

Changeling wrote;

"I was listening to this episode yesterday, and got to the part where everyone gives out their Twitter handles. It got me wondering, Where did Joe's handle, RangerStation, come from?"

Joe explains on the show that "Ranger" comes from his fandom of "Babylon 5" and "1138" was a portion of the title of George Lucas's film "THX 1138". Together, as Ranger 1138, Joe has used that call sign since the mid 90s. Except on Twitter that is. The very nice Forest Ranger who has @ranger1138 beat him to it for her Twitter name. so, taking the title from his blog, Joe went with @rangerstation instead. These next three tweets contain two questions and a comment from a previous show.

@BorrisInABox: Does anyone know where to download a copy of the Keynote Gold PCMCIA dos driver?

@HPFANFICTION: Lol! Armpit season. I've so been there and can empathize. :)

@FGL4life: When do you guys think its ok to upgrade to windows 10? what screen readers work best?

While we don't have an answer for our dear Borris, our general answer about Windows 10 still stands from episode 25. If you don't have a need to upgrade right now... then don't. let others pave the way until the waters calm down a bit. We'll look at the operating system again before the holidays. so stay tuned!

Last Word:

Pumpkin Spice Peeps might have been gross. However, this week we may have topped that with these strange stories.
Man sets super-sized world record by eating 17 Big Macs in one hour
Now, there s a Pop-Tart beer
How to cook beautifully crisp bacon in the microwave

If you head back to school this week, the best of luck to you! Tell us what was easy to access and what isn't even close to being accessed with the technology you have on hand. Leave us a note in the comments section or drop us a line

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Displaying 3 comments.
Brie96 Tuesday, 01-Sep-2015 08:07 AM ET:

I am in my second year of college. I was supposed to take a math class this semester, but my school is not required to braille materials, so between the woman in the disability services and I, we could not figure out how to make the class accessible in time for the semester. Not for lack of trying.

DebeeArmstrong Monday, 28-Sep-2015 5:04 PM ET:

I work for disability support at a college. I ask my students to let me know about the class way ahead of time. This is a good tip for everyone. But let's say you don't know ahead of time, because the college hasn't decided who will teach the course, and due to faculty's craving for academic freedom, you can't get the course information, much less the book information early. Figure out what level of math you are at, pre-algebra, regular algebra, calculus, geometry or bonehead ... anyway, figure that out. Email the dean of the math department with a link to Learning Ally. Ask the dean who is the boss of those reclusive part-time faculty, to find a book on Learning ally that he can subtly pressure one of his faculty to use. learning Ally describes most of the visual elements and reads the equations. Remind the dean that many visually impaired may not sign up for disability services; they might be incognito, sitting in the back, staring at the board with a monocular, and that many dyslexics need the audio books too. If you want your math in Braille, find a college that does do a good job of providing Braille and transfer there at least long enough to meet your math requirements. You'll have to research this, but some colleges are just better than others at getting you textbooks in Braille. Good luck, and oh, by the way, my college isn't great at getting Braille, simply because our faculty doesn't get us the book info early enough. But some colleges have insisted that faculty must do this, so do your research and it will all work out.

DebeeArmstrong Monday, 28-Sep-2015 5:17 PM ET:

Ah, running with a guide dog. 25 years ago, I regularly roller bladed with my guide dog. Roller blades, unlike skates, have the four wheels lined up heel to toe under the foot. So you can't accidentally roll on your doggie's toes! I don't do it now because I have a bad knee but I remember how fun it was. It's better exercise than running because it works more muscles so you get lower body, core strength and aerobics all in one. It's great for balance, which we all need. Practice in a large empty parking lot, such as one owned by a company after everyone's gone home in the evening. Practice with your cane rolling about slowly. Make sure you balance well before trying to do it with a dog. Make sure you know how to turn and how to skate backwards. The backwards is really important if you need to turn around and don't want to skate off an unknown drop-off. Hire a neighbor kid to teach you or get some training from youTube. To help with balance, you can use a support cane, a walking stick like hikers use or a single crutch from a pair of crutches. Hold that in one hand, your mobility cane in the other, be sure to wear knee and elbow pads and get out there! Once your balance is stable, you can start zooming around with the dog. Make sure he doesn't become afraid of your blades. My dog loved when I strapped on my blades because she knew we were going to fly! With the dog, you'll be faster going downhill than the poor dog, so stay away from the steep ones. Look for groups that roller blade in the park on Sunday afternoons so you have people to follow. If you encounter a steep hill by mistake break, and turn sideways to the hill. Then skate back up it. You did practice braking in the parking lot, didn't you? I did this without vision, and without any particular sighted help except to ask random people at the park if I was going the right way. It's a blast!

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Joe Steinkamp is no stranger to the world of technology, having been a user of video magnification and blindness related electronic devices since 1979. Joe has worked in radio, retail management and Vocational Rehabilitation for blind and low vision individuals in Texas. He has been writing about the A.T. Industry for 15 years and podcasting about it for almost a decade.

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