Blind Bargains

Not Feeling so Touchy? You Can Experience the Apex of the Situation for Slightly Less

Humanware has announced that The BrailleNote Apex will not be retiring. Instead, will be available at a slightly reduced price from what it was before the BrailleNote Touch took its place. The BrailleNote Touch 32 is currently selling for $5495, while the Apex is selling for $4995. The 18-cell Touch sells for $3895, while it's older counterpart is selling for $3495. The BrailleNote Apex, a notetaker first introduced in 2009, saw it's most recent update in May of last year with Keysoft 9.5.

If you have a BrailleNote Classic, mPower, or wish to replace your older Apex for some reason, Humanware is offering you the chance to trade it in for an aditional $500 off the prices listed above. Check the Source link for further details.

Source: Humanware
Category: News
Displaying 1 comment.
darknexus Tuesday, 27-Sep-2016 4:09 PM ET:

So it's a dead-end device that will never again be updated, and they have a surplus they need to get rid of. I wonder if, like the PAC Mate, we'll still see these things being sold five more years down the line. Doesn't seem like a very good deal to me though. If you want a device of this type, the only ones still relevant seem to be the HIMS Sense lines. Given that Windows CE is dead though, I'm not going to even guess how much longer that will hold.

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