Blind Bargains

iOS 14 tidbits: Emoji Search

Continuing our coverage of what's new in iOS 14, this article covers the new search function for the emoji keyboard. According to Emojipedia, when accounting for different skin tones and variants, [iOS 14 contains aproximately 3,304 emoji.] ( This can make finding the correct emoji difficult, especially when using VoiceOver. A new feature introduced in iOS 14 allows you to search for the perfect emoji. Learn how to utilize the feature below.

First, ensure that the emoji keyboard is enabled. Go to settings, general, keyboard, click on the keyboards button, which will usually have a number beside it Corresponding to the number of keyboards you have enabled. Click "Add new keyboard." Flick through the possible keyboards until you hear "emoji, under the "other keyboards" heading and double tap it.

To switch to the emoji keyboard, press the next keyboard button on the bottom left hand side of the qwerty keyboard. If you have no other keyboards enabled, this button will say "emoji." Otherwise it will say next keyboard. Once you are on the emoji keyboard, drag your finger down the screen, past the active text field, until you hear search. double tap it and search for the emoji you want. You might type cat, for example, to find cat faces, cats, etc. It is not necessary to confirm your search. between the search field and the keyboard, you will find a constantly updating row of emoji that match your search criteria. Double tap one to insert it in your text field, or three finger swipe left and right to move between pages of search results. this is a useful feature which makes it easier to use emoji in iOS 14.

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Tangela Mahaffey is a barely reformed English Major currently residing in Colorado. She reads entirely too many fantasy books and takes almost nothing seriously, including herself. She loves technology, music, writing, puns, and cats. She can be reached on twitter @tmmahaff

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