Blind Bargains

New Customers: Up to $28 off Snacks and Convenience Items from goPuff

New customers can get up to $28 off their first 4 orders ($7 per order) from goPuff by using this referral link.
GoPuff is like a convenience store on wheels, with most orders being delivered in under 30 minutes, often sooner. The prices are similar to what you would find at a gas station or drugstore, so it's a bit pricier to do your entire grocery run. But the strength of goPuff is ultra-fast delivery, and a good variety of convenience items - everything from snack foods to headache medicine. Plus, they are open until the middle of the night or even 24 hours in most markets.
If you live in a major city or college town, there's a good chance goPuff is available for you. Just check the link above to find out.
As for accessibility, the app is not perfect, but it is usable on both iOS and Android. You can also browse using their website, which may be an easier experience.
No end date is given for the increased sign-up bonus.

Source: goPuff
Category: Miscellaneous

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J.J. Meddaugh is an experienced technology writer and computer enthusiast. He is a graduate of Western Michigan University with a major in telecommunications management and a minor in business. When not writing for Blind Bargains, he enjoys travel, playing the keyboard, and meeting new people.

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