Blind Bargains

We're Testing out the @Magic Text Message Personal Assistant, and Need your Help

Earlier this year, we heard about a new personal assistant service called Magic which works entirely via text messages. It can be used for everything from arranging deliveries to solving complex situations where you just don't have time to personally attend to every matter.
In their own words, "We have trained operators standing by 24/7 to answer every one of your requests." What exactly can Magic do? "Anything you want. As long as it's not illegal. Seriously. Just try it."
At Blind Bargains, we're always excited for new services that promise to make our lives easier. But we need your help in deciding a good test case for Magic. That's where you come in. In the comments, let us know what we should have Magic do. Perhaps you just want some sushi on your doorstep. Perhaps you need someone to come over and mow your lawn. Or maybe there's something access-specific that Magic could help with. We're clearly less creative than you tonight, so leave your best ideas in the comments. Who knows, we may act on your request.
To sign up for yourself, text the word hello to 83489. For now, you'll be put on a waiting list as the service expands to let in more users. We'll report back soon with our results.

Source: Magic
Category: News
Displaying 3 comments.
brenth82 Saturday, 29-Aug-2015 9:05 PM ET:

I sent hello to the code and got a request to create an account straight away. I wouldn't be surprised if I missed the email when my name came up on the list though, discounting this service as something only good in 3 cities. I might see if they can get me food delivered from a place that I don't think delivers, and see if they could find someone to do it.

cyclops22 Sunday, 30-Aug-2015 2:54 PM ET:

Hi, This sounds like a very intresting service. As for ideas, how about getting a cell phone charger? I can see something like this being very useful for someone who is on a trip, forgetting a cell hone charger and doesn't want to go exploring the area, not to mention that if you didn't have a charger, you couldn't use much GPS because of your battery dying. Getting a cell phoen charger at a motel would be very nice.

esbowden Friday, 11-Sep-2015 10:19 AM ET:

operation instructions for appliances, and where to get braille templates. Often people are not sure which appliance to purchase, and don't have enough internet experience to investigate on their own. A service that could send specifications about different home appliances would be excellent!

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J.J. Meddaugh is an experienced technology writer and computer enthusiast. He is a graduate of Western Michigan University with a major in telecommunications management and a minor in business. When not writing for Blind Bargains, he enjoys travel, playing the keyboard, and meeting new people.

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