Blind Bargains

Get a Sneak Peak at the Next Service from Accessible Apps, Captcha Be Gone

Accessible Apps is working on the latest in their growing list of apps and services and set up a website to tease the upcoming offering. CAPTCHA Be Gone will be a browser extension that aims to solve visual CAPTCHAs, often used to prevent automated bots from hacking into websites. According to the website, "CAPTCHA Be Gone is a powerful but simple solution to solve CAPTCHAs for you nearly instantly. Press a single keystroke, and the CAPTCHA is automatically detected, extracted from the page, sent off, and solved in seconds. As soon as it is solved, an audio cue is played, and the solution is copied to your clipboard so you can paste it and keep going about your day."
The popular Web Visum service for Firefox has not been updated in some time and is now unavailable by default in the latest versions of the browser for security reasons. Rumola is another pay service that is currently available for Chrome and Firefox. Captcha Be Gone will be available as a service for $3.50/month and initially work with Firefox and Chrome with additional support planned. Check out the page for more info or to be added to a mailing list to receive updates. Would you pay for a CAPTCHA service that works with a variety of browsers? Post your thoughts in the comments.

Source: Accessible Apps
Category: News
Displaying 6 comments.
emerson Monday, 18-Jan-2016 09:46 AM ET:

I'd rather pay for this once a year.

ka3agm Monday, 18-Jan-2016 11:17 AM ET:

I agree. $3.50 per month is way too expensive because I don't encounter enough CAPTCHAs every month to make it economically justifiable. Charge me a one-time or even annual small fee and I might consider it.

darknexus Monday, 18-Jan-2016 11:29 AM ET:

I'd rather see a micro payment system on a per-CAPTCHA basis. While I do occasionally encounter them, I do not encounter them enough to justify a monthly payment. Truthfully I don't know how much you could really expect to monetize something like this. Monthly payments are too frequent, and yet I doubt any other form of payment would even give them enough to keep their servers running. We already know that we can't expect a service like this to stay up for free, however I'm just not sure there's a big enough market for recurring payments either.

Marcie Brink-Chaney Wednesday, 27-Jan-2016 09:01 AM ET:

I personally believe that we need to fight the captcha inaccessibility issue. Sighted people don't have to pay for the use of their computers to make them usable. Why should we? I understand that people who volunteer to provide the captcha solutions need to be compensated in some way. However, when the web provides alternatives such as an audio equivalent or as I have seen somewhere else, a math problem that you put an answer in to prove your humanity, these should be used. What truly irritates me is when a company with a website requires you to solve a captcha in order to send a message regarding a problem you are having so that you cannot even work with them at all to resolve some issue you are having or join an email list or a newsletter. That is ridiculous. And I really won't pay for use of a captcha solving service except a onetime thing or a pay per use (not much money).

Talkback Friday, 05-Feb-2016 1:29 PM ET:

I'm totally in agreement with Marcie on this one! There is no reason why anyone should be paying for something this mundane, when the rest of the world doesn't pay to do it. I prefer a situation where a mathematical problem is provided wherein the person types in the answer or use the audio capture alternative that some sites have implemented. Again, I don't believe that anyone wanting to make money out of a service like this one would make money out of it. I personally won't pay for something like this even if it's $0.50 a month as I don't encounter enough of these to warrant this. Pages should be made to give blind people other alternatives in solving this issue rther than something like this one.

mike-b Wednesday, 10-Feb-2016 5:54 PM ET:

Hi guys, just signed up for the site. You're all 100 percent right. It's so easy for our counterparts to grab that squeaky little mouse and within just a few clicks, they've solved a captcha. I whole heartedly agree with the postr who suggested answering a simple math question, rather than having to waste valuable time fighting with some silly picture with characters. Although we don't encounter them everyday, I don't see any reason to subscribe. After all, we could g an entire month or more without ever coming in contact with a captcha. They've gotta come up with something better. Thanks.

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J.J. Meddaugh is an experienced technology writer and computer enthusiast. He is a graduate of Western Michigan University with a major in telecommunications management and a minor in business. When not writing for Blind Bargains, he enjoys travel, playing the keyboard, and meeting new people.

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