Blind Bargains

With #CSUN16 Three Weeks Away, HumanWare Teases New Product in Email

HumanWare is once again in the teaser business, distributing an Email hailing their next big thing. They plan to unveil what they're calling "the product that will reunify efficiency and accessibility" at this year's CSUN conference on March 23. The BrailleNote Apex was released over 6 years ago and has fallen behind competing products in terms of specs. The Victor Reader Stream 2 was more recently updated while the Trekker Breeze received a refresh in 2015. Check the link on this post to sign up to get more info, or read on for their brief announcement. We'll post more information as we receive it.
Today, access to information for those who are blind or visually impaired is more readily available than ever before. But with the increasing availability of information, the gap between accessibility and efficiency continues to expand. On March 23rd
at the CSUN conference, HumanWare will unveil the product that will reunify efficiency and accessibility. You will not want to miss this chance to Touch the future.

Source: HumanWare
Category: News
Displaying 3 comments.
darknexus Thursday, 03-Mar-2016 09:55 AM ET:

It'll be another useless notetaker, no doubt, and they'll want $6,500 for it. It won't do even half of what my iPhone already does. The agencies will buy it, and the rest of us will yawn. Ah well, at least they've stopped sending out pictures as teasers.

darknexus Thursday, 03-Mar-2016 09:58 AM ET:

By the way, would that not be CSUN 16?

gallagher123123 Saturday, 19-Mar-2016 8:57 PM ET:

i really hate this kind of email. If you don't want to tell me what the product is, then don't email me about it until you're ready to tell people. At least that's my opinion. I really hope it's a new braille note.

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J.J. Meddaugh is an experienced technology writer and computer enthusiast. He is a graduate of Western Michigan University with a major in telecommunications management and a minor in business. When not writing for Blind Bargains, he enjoys travel, playing the keyboard, and meeting new people.

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