Search - top 10 stories of 2015: blind bargains
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Blind Bargains Qast 217: Buttery Smooth Bingo Cards
In order to be more environmentally friendly, we at the BBQ decided to combine our October and November Apple event wrap up shows. It is the podcasting equivalent of removing the charger plug from the box. Okay, seriously, we changed things up a bit and invited Greg Stilson on to talk about the new Macs and iPhones. Greg has launched a few products over the years, and we thought he could speak at longer length about what it takes to do that than J.J. and Joe could. Plus, he brings along the bonus of saying a bunch of new stuff that you have not heard from us on the many hours of wrap up shows we have done in the past. And to borrow an Apple turn of phrase, we think you re going to love it .
Hindsight Is #CSUNATC20: Or, How The Top Stories Of The Past Can Shape The Future
Long time readers, and listeners of the podcast, know that the staff are now deep in the process of planning out our event and convention coverage for the year. CSUN, Google i/o, WWDC and the summer Blindness conventions are some of the annual happenings that capture our attention as we follow the yearly migratory pattern of possible A.T. related topics on their unpredictable flight plans. While a Farmer s Almanac for tech would help, we do consult our articles and interviews from the past to help us guess what might make good content during these planning stages.
Blind Bargains Qast 104: WWDZZZZ
J.J., Joe and Scott (who came up with the episode title during our live tweeting of this event) sit down to discuss what was shown in Apple's 2017 WWDC Keynote. New hardware and some insights into what is in store for iOS 11 takes center stage in our conversation. However, we widen our scope to talk about Apple Watch and that "one more thing" everyone knew was coming. So stick your Air Pods in... it is an Applecentric BBQ.
The Apple Rundown: The Command Triple Click Home Edition
September 19th seems so long ago.
Back in those halcyon days of a month and a half ago, when I knew another Apple event was on the horizon, I mused that I would have little to post other than the iPod turning 15 years old. Maybe a few articles on the new mac OS would be in order. And, if it made the street date, I'd have some things to post about iOS 10.1. Sure, there would be the 4th quarter earnings report to ponder. And I'd end the article with something funny in regards to the headphone jack.
then 2016 happened with its ability to upend everything you know and expect in a rational universe.
Blind Bargains Qast 49: A Skunk And Two Weapons
Mmmm ... there is nothing like peeling off the shrink wrap on the first new show of the year. And we start season two off with a big interview, a tip and all the news we didn't talk about while we were on vacation. Be sure to read all the notes in order to learn how you can be involved in our first giveaway of 2016!
Blind Bargains Qast 48: This Year in Assistive Technology 2015
We've been counting down the top 10 Blind Bargains stories of 2015, and now it's time for the podcast crew to take over and reveal the best of the best. Listen in as Joe and J.J. are joined by Shelly Brisbin and Chancey Fleet as they discuss the big movers and shakers of 2015 and look ahead to 2016. Will Netflix take the crown with audio-described dramas and comedies? Or will a story from the world of screen readers end up on top. The only way to know is to listen.
Blind Bargains Top 10 Stories of 2015: 4. A Perfect 10?
The ballots are in and the votes have been tallied. It's time to count down the top 10 biggest and most influential stories of 2015. This year's panel included Jeff Bishop, Shelly Brisbin, Ricky Enger, Chancey Fleet, J.J. Meddaugh, Jamie Pauls, and Joe Steinkamp.
Each panelist gave us their opinions on the biggest stories in assistive technology and we've compiled their votes to create our annual list. We'll reveal a new story each day on the way to number one and announce the winner on the next Blind Bargains Qast. The 4th biggest story of the year may not impact you just yet, however, its footprint could be felt for years.
Blind Bargains Top 10 Stories of 2015: 5. The Year of the Helpful Cloud
We're about halfway through the Blind Bargains annual look at the top 10 biggest and most influential stories of 2015. This year's panel included Jeff Bishop, Shelly Brisbin, Ricky Enger, Chancey Fleet, J.J. Meddaugh, Jamie Pauls, and Joe Steinkamp. You can go here for our previous stories
Let's go to panelist Chancey Fleet for our number 5 story.
Blind Bargains Top 10 Stories of 2015: 6. These Are The Droid Apps You Are Looking For
The ballots are in and the votes have been tallied. It's time to count down the top 10 biggest and most influential stories of 2015. This year's panel included Jeff Bishop, Shelly Brisbin, Ricky Enger, Chancey Fleet, J.J. Meddaugh, Jamie Pauls, and Joe Steinkamp. You can go here for our previous stories
Each panelist gave us their opinions on the biggest stories in assistive technology and we've compiled their votes to create our annual list. We'll reveal a new story each day on the way to number one and announce the winner on the next Blind Bargains Qast. Our 6th story of the year may prove to be more relevant than some might initially think when the word "Android" is mentioned.
Blind Bargains Top 10 Stories of 2015: 7. The Time for Repentance is Now
We're almost halfway through the Blind Bargains annual look at the top 10 biggest and most influential stories of 2015. This year's panel included Jeff Bishop, Shelly Brisbin, Ricky Enger, Chancey Fleet, J.J. Meddaugh, Jamie Pauls, and Joe Steinkamp. You can go here for our previous stories
You can go here for our previous stories Number 7 involves an unexpected screen reader surprise.
Blind Bargains Top 10 Stories of 2015: 8. Apple Watches iOS 9 Like a TV Pro
The ballots are in and the votes have been tallied. It's time to count down the top 10 biggest and most influential stories of 2015. This year's panel included Jeff Bishop, Shelly Brisbin, Ricky Enger, Chancey Fleet, J.J. Meddaugh, Jamie Pauls, Joe Steinkamp.
Each panelist gave us their opinions on the biggest stories in assistive technology and we've compiled their votes to create our annual list. We'll reveal a new story each day on the way to number one and announce the winner on the next Blind Bargains Qast. You can go here for our previous storiesWe continue on with our 8th big story of 2015.
Blind Bargains Top 10 Stories of 2015: 9. NVDA Gets a New Voice, and More
We've started counting down the top 10 biggest and most influential stories of 2015. This year's panel included Jeff Bishop, Shelly Brisbin, Ricky Enger, Chancey Fleet, J.J. Meddaugh, Jamie Pauls, and Joe Steinkamp. You can go here for our previous stories For number 9, NVDA gets a new voice and much more.
Blind Bargains Top 10 Stories of 2015: 10. A Fusion of Screen Access Flavor
The ballots are in and the votes have been tallied. It's time to count down the top 10 biggest and most influential stories of 2015. This year's panel included Jeff Bishop, Shelly Brisbin, Ricky Enger, Chancey Fleet, J.J. Meddaugh, Jamie Pauls, and Joe Steinkamp.
Each panelist gave us their opinions on the biggest stories in assistive technology and we've compiled their votes to create our annual list. We'll reveal a new story each day on the way to number one and announce the winner on the next Blind Bargains Qast. Let's start out with number 10.
Blind Bargains Qast 44: Recursive Pizza
We're going to be honest this week. The news and the middle of the show came together quite organically and "in the moment". Okay, that is our stylish way of saying we had no idea what the show was going to actually have in store for us, and for you the listener, until we discussed things in the studio. and, despite that little lack of planning, the result ain't half bad. See, we still have news, a look at some games Joe can't completely recommend, a tip plus "Sound Off" and "Last Word". We won't be making this style choice a regular habit, however it's nice to have a "fly by the seat of our pants" show land during the holiday season.
Blind Bargains Qast 34: Hot Dog, Smiley Face, Toilet
A few weeks ago we talked about the products that emerged from the Apple event. Now it is Google's turn as J.J., Joe and Steven Clower discuss what was announced at the Nexus presentation. Surprisingly, Apple gets a mention here and there throughout the show. We also have a tip from Jeffrey Stark, "Sound Off" and of course the "Last Word".
The Apple Rundown: The iPhone 7 Is Only 11 Months Away Edition
So you updated all the iDevices to iOS 9.02, the Macs all have OS 10.11 downloading, and you just unsubscribed from Apple Music. With all that done, and no new Apple TV to buy just yet,
what is an Apple fanboy or fangirl to do? I mean we are still like six months away from a second version of the Apple timepiece and only a short 11 months before we know all about the iPhone 7 through all the rumor sites. Dark days my friends are now upon us... dark days indeed. I guess we'll just have to pass the time with a metric ton of information, tip articles and those odd Apple related stories we find in the Apple Rundown.
Blind Bargains Qast 31: Does it Work With Voiceover?
Recorded just mere hours after the big Apple Event on September 9th, Joe brings in the big guns to talk about everything iDevice with Buddy Brannan and BBQ Regular Shelly Brizbin.
We've tossed the weekly news line up aside and dedicated the bulk of the show to our "Discussion Topic". Well, that and the "Last Word". With J.J. off this week, does that mean a food mention at the end of the show? uh, probably.
Blind Bargains Qast 30: Autotune The Moos
This week J.J. and Joe power through the week's news, show off a few things with a demo or two and the winners of the Jet competition are announced. Of course we also have Sound Off" and the "Last Word". This show may have been recorded as the last show of August, however, it airs as the first show of September. How amazingly "timey wimey" of us.
Blind Bargains Qast 29: Stars, Moons And Legal Correspondants
The news might be slowing down, until Apple's big reveals next month, yet our interview segments just keep getting better. This week, our newly self-named "Outstanding Legal Correspondent"," Tim Elder discusses some of the finer points of topics we've covered on the show this year. Additionally, we have a tip and feedback along with more food items in the "Last Word".
Blind Bargains Qast 27: Limited Time Only Joe With Voiceover Remote
The much rested and relaxed J.J. and Joe are back from parts unknown to talk about recent news and events. They also bring word of a new project in an interview with Alex Jurgensen.
Plus, there is a very special appearance by Mr. Patrick Perdue on this very audio program. So tune in to hear "Sound Off", "Last Word" and details on a new giveaway from Jet.
Blind Bargains Qast 25: Cortana, Earl Gray, Hot!
It is finally here! The day many have eagerly awaited, or dreaded as the case may be, has come upon us all with the release of Windows 10. Joe, Byron Lee and Rick Reed discuss thoughts and experiences with Microsoft's newest operating system. And, not just because J.J. is on vacation this week, the news cycle this week is bigger than usual as many celebrate the 25th birthday of the ADA. There are also the little matters of the "Last Word" and your feedback in "sound Off'. So get a pot of tea ready, it is one jam-packed episode of information!
Blind Bargains Qast 24: N, F or C?
Dave Williams joins J.J. and Joe on a raucous journey through the stories not covered yet by BBQ due to our massive amount of audio coverage from the 2015 summer convention season. This might just be the most info-packed non-U.S.-centric show we have ever done. Of course, we still have our regular bits such as a tip, "Sound Off" and the "Last Word" to round things out.
Blind Bargains Qast 16: Purrfect Hot Donuts
The "Justice League" can't hold a candle to the podcasting might of our BBQ team this week. J.J. and Joe are joined by Chancy, Shelly and Ricky to bring you news and fun conversation that spans not just one week... Oh no! Nearly half of the year so far are summed up in our Discussion topic section. We also managed to cram in a tip plus your feedback and a meme-driven "Last Word".
Blind Bargains Qast 14: Apple Watches Time and Relative Dimension in Space
Did you hear that Apple has a new product shipping around the world? Something about a watch we think. Yeah, we are pretty sure it's a timepiece of some kind. So we flipped open our contacts apps and found someone we knew who had one on the way. Lo and behold, Michael Doise will stop by to talk about his new Apple Watch and tell us what he enjoys about the new accessory to your Apple driven life. We also have a tip, your feedback and what J.J. calls "pocket lint" in this week's "Last Word".
Apple Rundown: Brother Can You Spare 100,000 Dimes Edition
You could say that the world was on watch last week for news about the new updates to iOS and Mac OSX. Of course, some may be excited about the upcoming WWDC in June. However, let us just get the other news out of the way and then we'll jump into the linkapalooza about the new Apple timepiece. That way those who want to skip, avoid or ignore those stories can while leaving those who pine for their pre orders the ability to drool until the bauble arrives in their local Apple store.
The Weekly Apple Rundown: Happy Birthday iPad Edition
The collective internet has the general opinion that some news comes along in pairs or even threes. Today, on the 5th birthday of the iPad, we'll take a look at a few stories that either directly conflict, or conversely, complement one another.
Blind Bargains Qast 9: Functional, Decorative And Inclusive BBQ
What's in a name? Quite a lot, actually. For Superman and mild-mannered reporter Clark Kent, it can define who he is and what he does depending on which persona he has adopted at any given time.
For Clint Eastwood and the classic Speghetti Westerns, the man with no name" signified that the movie's protagonist was powerful beyond a simple label or surname. Thanks to our amazing listeners, and their helpful comments on a recent survey, our little series has a moniker that not only rolls off the tongue easily, and trust us that helps in podcasting a lot, but it can mean a great many things when you hear it spoken. With that said, and thanks to Alex Hall for the suggestion, we are delighted to bring you episode 9 of the Blind Bargains Qast ... or BBQ!
Apple Rundown: The Apple Edition Edition
It's a post Apple event week and we're going to examine how the Kool Aid buzz wore off faster than expected in the press. So I'm warning everyone upfront that this week's links will be more negative than positive, as the stock market analogy of buying and selling on hype applies to what gets clicks for Apple news stories. Except in the rumor department that is... Pink iPhones anyone? Yeah, that might be a thing now that gold is starting to lose its luster.
The Weekly Apple Rundown: Spring Forward Edition
Let's see... there was the official return of VLC to the iOS app store, iAssociate saw some updates and, oh I know, some small mention of an event in March for news this past week. An event I say? Yeah, nothing major I'm sure considering that we have a launch of a new product in April. I doubt anyone will be covering it really. But, and this is a mighty big but, if you are interested in hearing Tim and co go on and on about time pieces you will want to catch the stream of the event on March 9th at 10 AM PT.
The Weekly Apple Rundown: Apple Pay It Forward Edition
The Weekly Apple Rundown: Apple Pay It Forward Edition
It is a darn good thing I'm not held to a hard deadline on this series. No really, it is, as putting this week's look at Tim and Jony's exploits into focus was a continuing saga with more happening every day ... y'know, like a little franchise from a galaxy far, far away. More on how that reference fits in this week's stories later on.
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