Blind Bargains

Audio Player Blind Bargains Holiday Qast: Happy HIMS-tastic Holidays! Blind Friday Specials Begin Now!

BrailleSense Polaris made its first appearance on Blind Bargains with Joe Steincamp and Dave Wilkinson hidden (for security reasons) in a tiny bunker far below the surface of the Earth. But now there's no need for secrecy as Polaris has been shipping since the end of June so everyone already knows that Polaris is a wicked awesome dude. Joe and Dave review just how far the unit has come since its release. Dave discusses some of the features in the latest firmware upgrade, and the unit does some cool math until Dave and Joe remember they're not so good with numbers. To compensate, they use Polaris and Google Assistant to do the work for them so that you see just how much money you can save with the HIMS-tacular Blind Friday deals on not only Polaris but all other HIMS products, such as the Smart Beetle, GoVision and the U2 Mini But wait! The deals get even better if you ask a friend to bundle. So sit back, relax, and let Joe and Dave get your Blind Friday shopping started.

We thank Hims for sponsoring this holiday podcast.

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