Blind Bargains

Breaking: NVDA's Jamie Teh Leaving for New Job with Mozilla

James Teh, one of the 2 original developres of the NVDA screen reader, is moving on after working with the free screen reader for the past decade.
As he writes in a blog post, "The opportunity to work at Mozilla, with its rare combination of devotion to public benefit and amazing resources, is a prospect that truly excites me. As the web continues to grow in complexity and scale and as browsers evolve accordingly, we re reaching a point where existing techniques in both browsers and assistive technology must also evolve in order to be sustainable into the future. Mozilla is a great place for me to explore and realise such possibilities."
Teh will remain on the NVAccess Board of Directors and will likely still contribute code, especially as it pertains to Firefox.
Check out his blog post to learn more about his decision.
For a view of NVDA from the early days, check out this classic podcast interview with Mick and Jamie from 2011.

Source: NVAccess
Category: News
Displaying 1 comment.
darknexus Tuesday, 08-Aug-2017 09:44 AM ET:

I hope this doesn't mean the decline of the only decent screen reader we have left on Windows.

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J.J. Meddaugh is an experienced technology writer and computer enthusiast. He is a graduate of Western Michigan University with a major in telecommunications management and a minor in business. When not writing for Blind Bargains, he enjoys travel, playing the keyboard, and meeting new people.

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