It is the last regular format show of the year and wow is it filled with a lot of tech. Longtime friend of the show Steve Nutt
Slid down the chimney to discuss a wide range of electronic goodness. We also managed to fit in a Last Word and some amazing holiday cheer. Be sure to listen to the end as we go out on a high note!
Sponsor: EnVision AI
Envision AI is a mobile app that speaks out the visual information in front of you.
It can read text from any surface, recognise faces, describe scenes, scan barcodes and so much more!
The one thing that it does better than any other tool out there is recognition of text.
It's surprisingly fast and incredibly accurate.
It's ideal for reading any kind of text, from short handwritten notes to entire books.
And it can do this in over 60 different languages.
But don't just take my word for it, try it for yourself.
The Android app is still a beta, so is currently free. The iOS app comes with the free 14-day trial with no strings attached, that means no automatic subscription.
When you are happy with the service, you can subscribe for a monthly, annual or lifetime subscription.
If that's not enough reason to try it out, they are currently having a huge holiday sale.
For the entire month of December, all their subscription plans are at 30% off.
You can read more about them and find the download links for iOS and Android app on their website:
In The News:
NuEyes begins pre-orders for the E2
OrCam successfully funds their new product on Kickstarter
Apple Vis announces the winners of the 2018 Golden Apples
Google Assistant adds two new accents to their U s English voice options
J-Dictate supports JAWS 2019 and so much more
Interview: Steve Nutt Computer Room Services
Imagine two guys sitting in a room enthusiastically talking about portable technology, smart speakers and screen readers. Well, our pal Steve Nutt of Computer Room Services
Stepped in front of our microphones and made that a reality for us this week. Together Steve and J.J. covered a lot of ground, however, here are just some of the products mentioned in their discussion.
The Bluesound family of products
Happy Day Talking Bathroom Scale
Tip: Still Triple Clicking that Home Button
Joe expands on a tip from last week and shows how you can enable VoiceOver using the Home button even if you have added multiple items to the Triple Click Home menu.
Last Word:
Parrot Uses Alexa to Order Watermelon, Lightbulbs While Owner Is Out
Our sincerest thanks go out to the gang at Snyder Hall at University of Illinois
For their fantastic Dial A Carol service. We appreciated their holiday spirit and we were thrilled to have them on the show this week.
That will do it for our active weekly recorded shows for 2018. Episode 170 will be our look back at the A.T. trends of the year and 171 will feature Patrick s revenge with the traditional bloopers show. Happy holidays everyone
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Joe Steinkamp is no stranger to the world of technology, having been a user of video magnification and blindness related electronic devices since 1979. Joe has worked in radio, retail management and Vocational Rehabilitation for blind and low vision individuals in Texas. He has been writing about the A.T. Industry for 15 years and podcasting about it for almost a decade.