Blind Bargains

#CSUNATC20 Audio: Magnifying Materials With LVI America's Apple Friendly MacViewer

In July 2019, Joe caught up with Kimberly Cline at her LVI America debut In Las Vegas to talk about her excitement for future Video Magnifier products. And that enthusiasm is echoed by Charlie Collins, Director of Sales, when he speaks to Shelly about the new MacViewer device. The pair talk about the specs of the unit, discuss the new improved toolbar experience before noting that the Video Magnifier is also available for Chrome OS and Pcs as well. If you would like to know more about the products mentioned in this interview, visit the LVI America website

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Joe Steinkamp is no stranger to the world of technology, having been a user of video magnification and blindness related electronic devices since 1979. Joe has worked in radio, retail management and Vocational Rehabilitation for blind and low vision individuals in Texas. He has been writing about the A.T. Industry for 15 years and podcasting about it for almost a decade.

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