Blind Bargains

It's Back! Accessible Apps releases Chicken Nugget version 4.71, bringing AI image descriptions, new sounds, and More

Accessible Apps has released Chicken Nugget version 4.71, bringing AI image descriptions, new sounds, keyboard discovery mode, more
Popular Twitter client Chicken Nugget recently received a major update, bringing improved image descriptions, new sounds, and other improvements. Read on for an in-depth look at what's new, and information about how to use the latest features.

A new keystroke, CTRL+Windows+I, is the one stop shop for tweets with images. It first checks the tweet for any user-created Alt-text, runs OCR on any text in the image, then uses AI to provide information and context for the image. This process is incredibly quick. In personal testing, I've not seen it take more than a few seconds, even for information-dense text. The OCR is also very accurate. Consider the following tweet. Pinboard: Picture of Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella with an unidentified Windows user from Queens Visually impaired users have no context for this image beyond that given in the tweet text. However, running image recognition provides the following: Tim cook, donald trump, satya nadella, jeff bezos are posing for a picture.

person, suit, man, indoor, table, business, standing, woman, front, people, couple, dressed, wine, food, holding, wearing, group, display

This tells us several things. First and most importantly, it recognizes notable public figures. This can be helpful in tweets that provide context-sensitive information obvious to a sighted user but often inaccessible to the blind. Additionally, the tags reveal more details, such as that at least one of the figures is wearing a suit and that the meeting is taking place indoors.

New sounds for end of timeline, tweets with images, and others have been added. The new sounds were created by Andre Louis (@FreakyFwoof on Twitter.)

A new option, strip tracking components from URLs, attempts to keep you from being tracked when opening links from Chicken Nugget. To enable it, go to options in the applications menu (alt+a, o), then either tab to the Strip tracking components from URLs check box, or press Alt+u.

You can now stream the audio from videos posted to twitter. Simply press Alt + windows +enter on a tweet containing a video link, such as a YouTube video, TikTok link, or Twitter video to have the audio play directly in Chicken nugget.

You can now update a buffer or timeline with a new keystroke: CTRL + windows + Alt + u. Chicken Nugget will announce "updating" and then the name of the timeline. For example, "updating home," or "updating direct messages."

To avoid conflicts with existing window shortcuts, several keystrokes have changed. The keystroke to mention a user is now CTRL + Alt + Windows + M and the keystroke to exit chicken nugget is now Alt + Windows + F4.

A new keystroke, Alt + windows + Ctrl + L, provides information about where a link will go. This is useful when links have been shortened.

To assist in remembering the new keystrokes, a new keyboard discovery mode, toggled with CTRL + Windows + K, has been added. With this mode active, pressing a keystroke will announce its function. For example, pressing Ctrl + Windows + Shift + R, you will here: "Reply to the sender of the tweet which you are currently focused on, as well as all other screen names mentioned in the tweet."

Google Translate, rather than Microsoft Translate, is now used for tweet translation.

Finally, for a limited time, all chicken nugget users have had their trial version reset. Regardless of whether you have used chicken nugget in the past, you can now access a one month trial to preview the new features.

Download Chicken Nugget here and start your free trial today.

Source: download Chicken Nugget
Category: News

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Tangela Mahaffey is a barely reformed English Major currently residing in Colorado. She reads entirely too many fantasy books and takes almost nothing seriously, including herself. She loves technology, music, writing, puns, and cats. She can be reached on twitter @tmmahaff

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