Blind Bargains

APH Book Port Plus Released, Costs $299

The American Printing House for the Blind has released the Book Port Plus, the successor to the Book Port digital audio book player. The player currently costs $299, although we have heard the price will go up in September. Orders must be called into 800-223-1839. The catalog number for the Book Port Plus is 1-07191-00. Orders outside the United States may be placed by calling 1-502-895-2405.
Update: We have received official word that the $299 price is effective until further notice.

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Category: Portable Devices
Displaying 3 comments.
darknexus Wednesday, 10-Mar-2010 02:30 AM ET:

Well, I'm glad to see APH at least has some sense when it comes to these things. Anyone know if the unit supports ogg vorbis?

Cory.Ballard Wednesday, 10-Mar-2010 11:29 AM ET:

yes, it does support ogg vorbis. I am putting the final touches on my review. Keep an eye on

darknexus Wednesday, 10-Mar-2010 12:10 PM ET:

Will do. I'm particularly interested in its battery life under normal usage, at least as accurately as such things can ever be tested.

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