Blind Bargains

External Audio: A First Demo of Talks 5

Talks 5 with support for touch-screen devices hasn't even been released yet, but audio demos are already beginning to surface. This file from Darragh Heiligh of Listen and Learn Recordings demonstrates the new version running on a Nokia N97. We're not exactly sure how this person obtained Talks 5, or if it was obtained legally.

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Category: Cell Phones
Displaying 3 comments.
Dr-phone Tuesday, 30-Mar-2010 12:13 PM ET:

Being Talks 5 hasn't been released as of yet and the person stated that they do not have any dealings with Nuance! I think this shouldn't even have been posted to Blind Bargains. So just based on that, I would say the copy the person has is not a legal copy being it isn't out as of yet and this item should be pulled from Blind Bargains to prevent anyone from thinking that it is out., being it is not out as of yet.

J.J. Tuesday, 30-Mar-2010 12:17 PM ET:

We are just linking to the material with a disclaimer. Of course, it's up to our readers to determine the validity of any claim, but we feel it's our duty as a news and information site to post as much information as possible. We do say that Talks 5 is not released as of yet.

darknexus Tuesday, 30-Mar-2010 11:44 PM ET:

Come on people, it's not your business who the person is affiliated with or how he obtained it. If it was illegal it's certainly reprehensible but it doesn't do anything one way or the other to the validity of the demonstration itself. It doesn't make the features shown less true. Given that he gave his name out and has a somewhat well-known reputation, it would've been foolish to use an illegal copy. @dr-phone: Be careful saying that certain information should not be posted. That's dangerously close to unnecessary sensorship.

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J.J. Meddaugh is an experienced technology writer and computer enthusiast. He is a graduate of Western Michigan University with a major in telecommunications management and a minor in business. When not writing for Blind Bargains, he enjoys travel, playing the keyboard, and meeting new people.

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