Blind Bargains

Growing List of iPhone 4.0 Features includes Bluetooth Braille Display Support

Technically speaking, the complete list of the more then 100 new features in the iPhone 4.0 firmware is not public as of yet. But many developers are leaking bits of information, including talk of the upcoming version supporting bluetooth Braille displays. This list from TechnoBuffalo includes more than 60 of the upcoming features and counting.

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Category: Resources
Displaying 2 comments.
Jeff.young Sunday, 11-Apr-2010 5:40 PM ET:

As several people have said, with this update means death to the blindness specific note takers by 2012.

darknexus Sunday, 11-Apr-2010 10:37 PM ET:

@Jeff.young: I doubt it'll happen that soon, more's the pity. Still the iPad with display support could easily replace a notetaker for one who requires Braille. For one who doesn't, an iPad could easily replace a notetaker right now. The end is coming, and for once that may be a good thing. I can only hope, however, that Apple doesn't remain the only one who integrates universal access into their products. We've seen what being on the top too long has done to Freedom Scientifric, after all, and choice is always a good thing.

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J.J. Meddaugh is an experienced technology writer and computer enthusiast. He is a graduate of Western Michigan University with a major in telecommunications management and a minor in business. When not writing for Blind Bargains, he enjoys travel, playing the keyboard, and meeting new people.

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