Blind Bargains

Solona's Raive Describes the Humanware Teaser

Humanware Emailed us another of their now-infamous visual teasers for an upcoming product to be released on July 2. So considering the picture was pretty useless to many of us, we used Solona's RAIVE service to help us out. RAIVE stands for Remotely Analyzing and Interpreting Visual Elements and is a free service where people will describe images and screen shots sent to them. As for Humanware, the picture itself is quite ambiguous but several clues are offered. Here's a portion of the description we were sent. "There is a picture of what looks
like it could be a laptop, but it is taken very close up and only the lower left
corner is visible, with something blurry in the top left corner of the image that
I think could be a keyboard." The response goes on to indicate the picture closely resembles a BrailleNote Apex without the braille and a very similar top and side.
The description continues, "The top of the device is metallic silver
(but is probably made of plastic) with rounded corners. The part where the keys are
is black. The silver part curves and also covers the front which is only a few
inches high. The left side is black. Within the close up image it says: Speaking
of design and Underneath the close up image it says unveiling, July 2 2010. And below
that is the humanware logo." Perhaps these clues will help in the speculation of what will be released next week.

Source: Go to source
Category: Notetakers/PDAs
Displaying 4 comments.
remixman Friday, 25-Jun-2010 10:41 AM ET:

Hmm. Maybe a VoiceNote Apex?

darknexus Friday, 25-Jun-2010 11:51 AM ET:

I can't help but find it funny, though ironic and pitiful at the same time, that Humanware insists on visual teasers for what are usually blindness products. It's almost a slap in our face. Not that it really matters, I'm sure whatever it is, it'll be overpriced and underperforming as compared to whatever mainstream product it is trying to replace anyway.

Jeff.young Friday, 25-Jun-2010 12:11 PM ET:

Right on, and what's the point of these things anyway? Do they really generate a lot of buzz? No, just another overpriced underperforming piece of technology.

techlynne Friday, 25-Jun-2010 6:14 PM ET:

Thank you very much for this. I have absolutely no idea why Humanware persists with these dreadful teasers. Who is handling their marketting? thank heavens for this RAIV service and the guys at Blind Bargains. I had no clue whatsoever when the e-mail plopped itself into my inbox. Wish they would cease and desist with those awful, inaccessible graphic annoyances. They are truly horrendous.

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J.J. Meddaugh is an experienced technology writer and computer enthusiast. He is a graduate of Western Michigan University with a major in telecommunications management and a minor in business. When not writing for Blind Bargains, he enjoys travel, playing the keyboard, and meeting new people.

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