Blind Bargains

Blind Bargains History and Guide for New Visitors

Welcome one and all to Blind Bargains. If you're new here, and many of you are, let me take this opportunity to welcome you and explain the purpose of this site. We'll also include a few tips for getting the most out of the site. Blind or sighted alike, our staff hopes you learn something new.
Blind Bargains was founded in the fall of 2006 as a site providing listings of products and deals for the blind and visually impaired. Though one need not be blind at all to benefit from our site, as our posts quite often cover subjects of a general nature. Basically, the site's founders, who are also blind, noticed a wide variance in prices being charged for blindness items such as clocks, watches, talking caller ID units, or digital recorders to name a few. We wanted to create a way to sift through the various offers out there and bring readers the best deals available. For those of you who aren't blind, we hope to educate you of the possibilities available to a blind person and how technology is changing lives for the better. Of course, you can take advantage of the deals we post as well.

So the philosophy of Blind Bargains is simple. Items we post to the site are generally usable by a blind or visually impaired person. For instance, while a laptop may not work out of the box, one can add screen reading software to make the computer talk.

Today, the site is much more than a deal ticker including news, audio interviews, resource guides, and several tools to make shopping and searching easier.

  • The search box found on every page lets you search through our posts, dozens of online stores, and EBay all on one page. It's a simple way to find the best price on whatever you're looking for.
  • As many of you know, our Twitter feed is one of the fastest ways to keep up on our latest posts. We also publish additional information to Twitter not found on the website.
  • The Auction Gateway is an easy way to find items on EBay, especially those in dozens of blindness-related categories. You can easily search for talking pedometers or braille printers using this link.
  • We encourage you to participate and post comments on articles of interest to you by using the comment link next to each post.
  • Our mobile apps for iOS and Android devices as wellas our Product Search add-ons for Window-Eyes and Jaws give you additional ways to browse through deals and classifieds or search for products.

We also introduced a classifieds service which you can use to sell your used or unwanted items or advertise products and services. Classified ads are quite affordable and can help you reach a wide audience of potential customers and buyers.

If you are a screen reader user, you can use navigational commands to move around on the site. For instance, each article and search result is surrounded by an anchor tag. So you can use the move by anchor command of your software to quickly jump between posts. We also use headings to separate major sections of each page.

I hope this article helps in giving a better understanding of our site. Thank you so much for visiting, and please stop back often and tell your friends. If you ever have any comments, suggestions, or article ideas, please send us a message.

Category: *Site News

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J.J. Meddaugh is an experienced technology writer and computer enthusiast. He is a graduate of Western Michigan University with a major in telecommunications management and a minor in business. When not writing for Blind Bargains, he enjoys travel, playing the keyboard, and meeting new people.

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