Blind Bargains

Orbit research introduces a chat app for the deaf-blind

Orbit Research, creators of the Orbit Reader 20 have released a chat app to facilitate communication between the deaf-blind and users of android devices.

The app is available for android devices at this time, and can be installed on devices owned by the user. The app allows communication in real-time between a deaf-blind individual and those around them.

Existing Orbit 20 owners can receive an android tablet with the software pre-installed, and a package including an Orbit Reader 20 and tablet with the software is also available for purchase from Orbit Research. After handing the tablet to someone, the deaf-blind person can type on the orbit while their message shows up in print on the tablet, and any reply will show up on the Orbit. The solution makes it possible to communicate without knowledge of sign-language or an interpreter. It also includes a self-voicing mode so that it can be used without knowledge of brailleback or Talkback, group messaging, messaging history, and other common chat features.

Read more about the app, and download it here.

Source: Orbit Chat – An app for face-to-face communication with people who are deafblind – Orbit Research
Category: News

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Tangela Mahaffey is a barely reformed English Major currently residing in Colorado. She reads entirely too many fantasy books and takes almost nothing seriously, including herself. She loves technology, music, writing, puns, and cats. She can be reached on twitter @tmmahaff

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