Blind Bargains

Code Jumper wins CES award for best app inovation

Code Jumper is one of four recipients of the CES awards for best accessibility inovations for 2019.

According to their website, "The CES Innovation Awards program is an annual competition honoring outstanding design and engineering in consumer technology products. The program recognizes honorees in a multitude of consumer technology product categories and distinguishes the highest rated in each."

CES gives out two levels of awards-- the Honoree awards are given to apps which are exemplory in their category, and the Award for Enovation is to the highest rated apps in their category.

According to APH CEO, Craig Meador, Every child should have equal access to the important jobs being created in the technology field. Code Jumper gives them that access and opens a path to a meaningful career. We re excited that CES is giving Code Jumper such a high honor, and sees the importance of the work that Microsoft and APH is doing. We hope to inspire other companies to design products that are inclusive and ensure the future belongs to everyone.

more about Code Jumper

from the American Foundation for the Blind:

The tools used to teach computer coding to young children are highly visual, using the drag and drop of colored blocks on a screen to create animations. These methods are not accessible to children who are blind or visually impaired.

Developed by Microsoft and distributed by American Printing House for the Blind, Code Jumper is an incredible innovation that teaches children (ages 7-11), regardless of their level of vision, computer coding skills. Children not only learn basic programming concepts, such as sequence, iteration, selection, and variables, but [students] will also be encourage[d] to solve the same challenge in multiple ways.

By connecting together small pods, students are able to build strands of code. They can change sounds to create stories, songs, and jokes. Each type of pod has a unique color and differently shaped knobs so that students can easily identify each pod by sight or touch. Code Jumper makes it easy to start with a simple coding concepts and work up to more advanced sequences as you add pods and plugs with different functions.

Code Jumper is inclusive and can be used in any classroom. Testing has shown Code Jumper just as effective with children who are sighted, or have other disabilities as it is with children who are blind or visually impaired. With Code Jumper all students can learn together much as they will in the professional world building skills including confidence, cooperation and critical thinking.

Code Jumper will go on sale beginning in January 2020 attttt the CES event.

For more information, check out our previous articles here, listen to our podcast coverage with This interview from CSUN 2019 (Apr. 2019 and see how its evolved with our Convention coverage later in the year (Aug. 2019.)

Source: Code Jumper Wins CES Award
Category: News

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Tangela Mahaffey is a barely reformed English Major currently residing in Colorado. She reads entirely too many fantasy books and takes almost nothing seriously, including herself. She loves technology, music, writing, puns, and cats. She can be reached on twitter @tmmahaff

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