Blind Bargains

Google's New Tango Project Could Help the Visually Impaired Navigate Indoors

Google's new Tango Project aims to get our smart phones out of the 2-D world and into 3-D. The prototype phone that has been sent to 200 developers is able to take 250,000 3-D measurements every second and update it's location in real time. Potential applications of this technology according to the BBC article include: indoor mapping, assisting the visually impaired in unfamiliar areas, and gaming.

If our phones could really understand the world around us, I can only imagine the possibilities of what kinds of information the visually impaired could get about their surroundings. It might mean that one day we could go shopping and really experience impulse buying because we would finally know about all of our options. This technology may also make navigating indoors a reality without the need for extra hardware.

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Displaying 1 comment.
losalonso Monday, 24-Feb-2014 9:28 PM ET:

Thanks Alena for posting this other very relevant blind related articles and news - I always check out BlindBargains and your contribution to this site is great.

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For the past three years Alena has been a feature writer for the online magazine Matilda Ziegler. She has also been a contractor for the Oregon Commission for the Blind, helping blind adults learn to use adaptive technology. She is studying to be a teacher of the visually impaired at Portland State. You might also recognize her from the Serotalk podcast Triple Click Home.

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