Blind Bargains

Lechal Turns Your Shoes Into Navigation Devices

A team from the MIT media lab have created the first wearable technology that will help someone with a visual impairment navigate. The technology uses vibration in a shoe or insole to tell the user about left or right turns while they're navigating to a destination. The shoes/insoles pair with a GPS app on an Android, Windows, or iOS phone. According to, the technology is primarily designed for people in the developing world. However, the shoes/insoles could be helpful to anyone as a fitness tracker because the device is also designed to count steps and calories burned. This Ted talk highlights the journey for the creator of the Lechal shoe and shows how it works.

As of this week, the shoes or insoles can now be pre-ordered for $100 if you are sighted, and $50 for those who are visually impaired.

Source: Go to source
Category: Miscellaneous

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For the past three years Alena has been a feature writer for the online magazine Matilda Ziegler. She has also been a contractor for the Oregon Commission for the Blind, helping blind adults learn to use adaptive technology. She is studying to be a teacher of the visually impaired at Portland State. You might also recognize her from the Serotalk podcast Triple Click Home.

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