Blind Bargains

Text Speech Plugin Turns Winamp into a No Frills Book Reader

The Texp Speech program is nothing new, though many of you may not have known of its existance, including us. It's a free input plugin for the Winamp media player which will read .TXT and some .XML files using SAPI 5 voices such as Microsoft Mike or Neospeech Paul. While you can pause playback, control the speed of the voice and which voice is used, there's no way to fast forward and rewind through the file. The plugin becomes a bit more useful, however, when coupled with an output plugin such as the Nulsoft Diskwriter which writes your audio output to disk. This allows for a relatively simple method for creating .MP3 audio files. Thanks to roosterloop on Twitter for the tip.

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Category: Software
Displaying 1 comment.
roosterloop Wednesday, 16-Dec-2009 5:54 PM ET:

No problem. As audio is a huge part of my life, I am always finding out, and creating different and unique ways to use software and hardware. Feel free to visit my blog: to find out more useful tips and tricks!

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J.J. Meddaugh is an experienced technology writer and computer enthusiast. He is a graduate of Western Michigan University with a major in telecommunications management and a minor in business. When not writing for Blind Bargains, he enjoys travel, playing the keyboard, and meeting new people.

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