Blind Bargains

#ATIA2010 Guerrilla Technologies Announces Visionary, OCR Solution for $1500

Guerrilla Technologies, Inc. has announced Visionary, a portable OCR solution for $1500. The system consists of a Dell Mini netbook, capture stand and digital camera. At launch, the product will only be sold with this netbook, although a version without the computer is being considered. This product is expected to be released within the next 30 to 60 days.

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Category: Portable Devices
Displaying 1 comment.
darknexus Thursday, 28-Jan-2010 8:03 PM ET:

Wow, another ultra-expensive OCR solution that's nothing more than netbook-grade hardware, a camera, and an inflated price tag. Yawn. I can do that with a netbook, a copy of Finereader, and a digital camera for about $600 less than that. Sheesh.

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