Blind Bargains

Virtual Employment Workshops from Action for Blind People

There are a number of resources available that offer tips on how to get a job, but most of them are not from the perspective of the visually impaired. Action For Blind People, a UK non-profit has put together a set of videos that provide tips and tricks to getting a job when you have a visual impairment. Some of the topics include: deciding when and how to disclose your disability, the do's and don'ts of applying for a job, and where to look for work. The library of videos is continuing to grow so return to the site periodically for updates. Happy job hunting.

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Category: Resources

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For the past three years Alena has been a feature writer for the online magazine Matilda Ziegler. She has also been a contractor for the Oregon Commission for the Blind, helping blind adults learn to use adaptive technology. She is studying to be a teacher of the visually impaired at Portland State. You might also recognize her from the Serotalk podcast Triple Click Home.

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