Blind Bargains

Sendero Maps for the PC Released

Sendero has released their new Maps product for the PC. It includes many of the virtual navigational features found in their other GPS products, and is intended for those who wish to explore their environment before traveling. One can create virtual routes, record audio and other content, or emboss a route to a braille printer, among other features. It's free for those who purchase Sendero GPS after April 1, 2010 and ranges in price from $88 to $398 for others, depending on whether or not you own any Sendero GPS product.

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Category: Software
Displaying 1 comment.
darknexus Tuesday, 29-Jun-2010 07:23 AM ET:

I hope they're planning to offer a trial or demo version, because there's no way I'd ever shell out $400 for something I can't try first and I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels that way.

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J.J. Meddaugh is an experienced technology writer and computer enthusiast. He is a graduate of Western Michigan University with a major in telecommunications management and a minor in business. When not writing for Blind Bargains, he enjoys travel, playing the keyboard, and meeting new people.

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